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GOGA update - Issue 1

Get Out Get Active (GOGA) is an exciting programme that supports disabled and non‑disabled people to take part in fun and inclusive activities together. Funded by Spirit of 2012, all partners are focused on getting some of the UK's least active people moving more.

The programme runs for over three years (2016-2019) within 18 localities across the UK. We have teamed up with an extensive range of partners to help us reach more people, who have the greatest need to get out and get active. These partners offer in-depth local knowledge and national expertise.

To find out more about what we intend to achieve through GOGA and who our partners and localities are please visit

Key GOGA milestones to date:

  • Appointment of project team; including UK Steering group - representatives from each of the home country disability sport organisations and Volunteering Matters, Project Manager- Kat Southwell, Project Officer- Helen Derby, external evaluation partner – Wavehill and local and national partner teams
  • Established GOGA brand
  • Confirmation of programme content
  • Project officially launched on 1st October 2016
  • Co-creation of the monitoring and evaluation framework
  • Partnership agreements implemented between local and national partners
  • Cross partnership working through conferences, steering groups and partner meetings
  • GOGA activity underway in all localities making great impact across communitiesGOGA Lincs

    GOGA achievements to date:

    • Over 70 events and activities live
    • Engaged over 2,000 participants in GOGA activities
    • Activities include family fitness, inclusive and women’s only sessions, chair based exercise, Nordic walking, walking football, tai chi and cycling to name a few
    • Engaged over 80 volunteers with support from Volunteering Matters

    Infrastructure and contacts:

    No one size fits all with GOGA, as such it is supported differently in each of the localities and national partners.  Every partner has a named contact and many have appointed new officers to support programme delivery.  Contact details can be found on the partner pages of our GOGA website;

     Key learning to date:

    Our localities approaches to reach those least active:

    • Use of familiar faces in the community to reach those less engaged
    • Informal clubs have been set up so there’s no pressure of commitment
    • Offering refreshments to participants draws new participants in to ‘come and meet us’ and retains current participants
    • Peer based support
    • Promoting activity at community events

    Our localities approaches to support active together:

    • Targeted interventions e.g. family activities, engaging existing groups in activity
    • Application of the Talk To Me Principles
    • Using trusted and known locations
    • Raising awareness of inclusive activity within the community – addressing perceived challenges and fears
    • Inclusive marketing materials

    We still have lots more to learn…..

     Next Steps…

    We will be continuing to work with local and national partners to support them to reach those least active disabled and non-disabled people

    We’re keen to connect with you on:

    • Increasing awareness (with the GOGA partners) of your existing products, networks, programmes that could add value to the GOGA programme
    • Supporting localities to connect to opportunities that provide exit routes for participants engaged through GOGA as well as helping us to extend reach to new networks
    • Share the learning from the programme to influence future work with specific reference to supporting disabled and non-disabled people to be active together and how best to engage those least active

    Impact of GOGA:

    GOGA is a great way to support people with their first step into an active and social lifestyle. We want the delivery to reflect the wants and needs of each locality by enhancing existing groups, offering inclusive training and putting sessions on in places where there are fewer opportunities 

If you would like to become more actively involved in GOGA please contact the GOGA team